How to pay for our services?
• pRICES •

Haemorrhoid banding - 1st treatment: £320 (this includes the consultation, examination by rigid sigmoideoscop and anoscop, application of rubber bands, prescription of painkillers).
Haemorrhoid banding - 2nd and further treatments: £210 (within 3 months after the first procedure)
Skin tag removal, thrombosed external piles removal: £460 (includes the consultation, examination, and the surgical procedure and one postop check-up - 1 month later)
Consultation and examination only: £160
Cancellation within 24 hours before your appointment or not attending will result in a fee of £100.
How to pay for our services? Debit and credit cards are welcome. Please note that we are unable to accept AmEx cards or personal cheques.

Please note that you would need to contact these Insurance companies before the consultation to get a pre-authorisation number.
Healthplans that we accept:
We try to keep our fees as low as possible.
We created the following "package-prices", which includes the following: